The Law Of Vibration: Tuning Into Nature

Amid the world’s constant noise exists a silent symphony—a melody of vibrations that permeates every aspect of our existence. In this blog, we embark on a journey of discovery, unraveling the profound implications of the law of vibration and its role in shaping our reality.
Trauma To Enlightenment Academy

Universal Law Two: Law Of Vibration

The Law of Vibration suggests that everything in the universe is in constant motion and vibration. Every thought, emotion, and object has its own unique vibrational frequency.

From the gentle rustle of leaves to the pulsating hum of city life, everything resonates with its own unique frequency—a testament to the interconnectedness of all things. This law goes beyond science. Subtle energies emanating from every living being, thought, and word carry an energy that is their morphic field, affecting our well-being and influencing our interactions with others. 

Living In An Over-Stimulated World 

In a world where over-sensitization is common, navigating the excess of these energetic currents can be overwhelming. We often find ourselves out of alignment with the earth's natural rhythms, leading to a pervasive sense of anxiety and disconnection.

But it's not just the external environment that influences our vibrational frequency—other people's e-motions (energy in motion) and our interactions with others create ripples of energy that reverberate throughout our being and impact our well-being at any moment. 

Navigating this overflow of emotions and energy that surround us can be challenging. However, we can create a stronger barrier around us, a forcefield of energy protecting ourselves from the conflicting vibrations that threaten to disrupt our equilibrium. This forcefield is called your auric field.

[You can access our ALIGN course to set up your forcefield for FREE!]

"Each interaction creates a vibration. Usually, your body responds after somebody speaks because it triggers one of the motion detectors within our forcefield. Once we're in a state of wholeness and we're aware of how our field is set up, we have a lot more control over how our physical body will react to that because if we're vulnerable, our physical body will have a much larger reaction. Taking that a step further, the more we are in nature’s frequency, the longer it will take for the vibrations of our chaotic world to permeate our forcefields."
- Cherie Doyen

Attuning ourselves to the earth's natural vibrations, we can find solace and serenity in even the most tumultuous of times.

Tuning To Nature’s Vibration

Sound and vibration have a healing power that we can tap into. Whether using the soothing resonance of tuning forks, singing in note A (a universal symbol of harmony and balance), or tuning to the frequency emitted by nature, sound can heal and help us find inner peace and balance. 

As humans, we often seek to control frequency rather than align ourselves with the earth's innate rhythms. In moments of distress, simply allowing ourselves to resonate with the natural world around us can bring about profound catharsis and renewal.

One way to connect to that natural world even throughout the day is to use our Plant Attunement Soundscapes. These are created by a device tuning into the water molecules shifting within the plants we connect to and producing at 432hz frequency. 432Hz resonates with the natural frequency of the universe and is said to be the same as the vibrational frequency of the earth, the sun, and even our DNA.

We’ve witnessed that by listening to these plant attunement soundscapes, our clients have less anxiety and can be in the world's chaos for longer without being affected. 

Trauma and Vibration

We often hear people say they want to raise their vibration. When we hear that from our clients, many mean that they want to rise from the goo that is trauma and the overflow of emotions carried by their fragments and those around them who usually have experienced trauma as well. This can significantly impact our well-being depending on how long we are around these people. 

"All these different vibrations are coming in, and many of our people are highly sensitive. Just in that alone, without one ounce of trauma, they need a lot of alone time in nature."
- Cherie Doyen

You can’t raise the vibration of the people around you, especially if you’re stuck there with them. If this sounds like you, we suggest connecting with a group of people who are vibrating differently. Take a class or join a group and see what feels different. 

Final Thoughts

The law of vibration serves as a powerful reminder of our interconnectedness with the world around us. In a society that often values speed over stillness and progress over presence, we must pause and attune ourselves to the natural rhythms that sustain us. By embracing the art of motion and allowing ourselves to resonate with the frequencies of nature, we can find peace, purpose, and profound healing in the symphony of life.

Continue exploring these universal laws with us as we unravel the mysteries of existence one revelation at a time. Until then, let us tune in and dance to the timeless melody of the universe! 

Become a Changemaker! 

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