Journeying Through: The Stages of Out-of-Body Experiences

In this post, we explore the often puzzling Out-of-Body Experiences that allow us to transcend the boundaries of our physical bodies.
Jan 30 / Trauma To Enlightenment Academy
Today, we delve into the stages of consciousness that come with an out-of-body experience (OBE), including the OBE itself, near-death experience (NDE), and death experience (DE), using “Lisa” as an example of experiencing all three in her lifetime. 

Out-Of-Body Experience

Out-of-Body Experience: An unconscious fragmentation separation of our astral body, our consciousness, from our physical body. Fragmentation at this level leaves a portion of the astral body remaining to operate the physical body.
Meet Lisa, a child whose unexpected OBE during a traumatic event during childhood left her life forever changed. While living in an unstable home, her alcoholic father repeatedly violated Lisa. 

In this state, she unconsciously detached her astral body from her physical body. Lisa observed her surroundings from a higher perspective. Sometimes, this led her to another part of the room, trying to endure what she saw below. At other times, she could traverse through various dimensions and encounter extraordinary beings of light, only to return after the end of the traumatic incident. This often led to gaps in her memory. 

Near-Death Experience

A near-death experience: A reversible death experience when our astral body temporarily separates from the physical body. 
Years later, Lisa found herSelf in a life-threatening car accident that thrust her into the realm of NDE. As her physical body was dead, her consciousness departed from its earthly vessel. All life force removed. Her astral body departed but did not cross over, allowing her to witness from above. Floating above her body, she witnessed a flurry of medical professionals working tirelessly to revive her. How long was she out? She had no concept of time there. 

During this intense episode of NDE, Lisa experienced seeing a white light. As one of the medical professionals used a defibrillator to revive her, she suddenly regained consciousness in her physical body and was able to continue living. 

Although these experiences were traumatic, she was sure she could find a way to harness the unconscious powers of her astral body to travel at will. After many years of studying the great spiritual masters, she learned to astral travel, intentionally creating an out-of-body experience in which she projected herSelf to another point in space or time.

Death Experience

Death: When our astral body and physical body are permanently separated. 
Decades passed, and Lisa found peace in her twilight years. As she gracefully transitioned into the final stage, she embraced death with open arms. In this profound moment, Lisa's astral body completely detached from her physical body, forever departing from its mortal shell. Beyond the confines of earthly existence, she found herSelf immersed in pure consciousness, transcending time and space. During her DE, Lisa became one with the universal energy that binds everything together.

The Overlapping Experiences

It is fascinating to witness how Lisa's experiences in each stage bear similarities. The shared themes of separation, freedom from her physical body, elevated consciousness, and astral travel seamlessly throughout her OBE, NDE, and DE highlight the interconnected nature of these transcendent experiences, unveiling glimpses of an extraordinary reality that surpasses our limited comprehension.

Final Thoughts

The stages of OBE, NDE, and DE are powerful gateways that grant us a profound insight into the boundless nature of consciousness. Lisa's remarkable journey through these stages reminded her that life is not limited to the physical realm alone. Her experiences showcased the transformative power of exploring the outer boundaries of our existence, leading to spiritual growth, enlightenment, and a deeper connection with the universe.

At the Trauma to Enlightenment Academy, we embrace these extraordinary experiences, utilizing them as catalysts for personal and spiritual development. Our mission is to guide individuals like Lisa as they navigate the various stages of their conscious journey. By venturing beyond the known, we awaken to the infinite possibilities that lie within ourSelves and the universe. Let us embark on this transformative expedition together, for the truth awaits those who dare to explore the depths of consciousness and beyond! 
